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Vicar's Updates

I have promised to update the church from time to time on our finances after PCC have met and seen our quarterly accounts.

The giving for the first four months of the year has seen a 12% increase over the same period last year. If this trend continues, we are certainly headed in the right direction in terms of meeting the needs of our operating expenses, giving to missions and also quota contribution to our Diocese. PCC will continue to monitor if this is a normalising giving trend. As already mentioned, we plan to manage building and facility maintenance/upgrading expenses via donations from within or without.

The PCC has also appointed Lim Chin Hee as our new treasurer. Chin Hee has served two years as Assistant Treasurer, understudying Sally Lim. We also want to convey our appreciation to Sally for her commitment to this and she will continue to advise on our financial management as a PCC member. Yvonne Cheong will continue to serve as Secretary.

Iain Maidment was co-opted and reappointed as Chairman of our Building Committee. Kenneth Ou will head up our Finance and HR Committee.

Over at St Andrew's Autism Centre, w.e.f. 1st July, Michael Yeong will start serving as her chaplain. He will be assisting Revd David Teo. This will also enable Revd Teo to focus more on pastoring Chapel of Christ our Hope. Michael is no stranger to us as he grew up in MPCC and has served on staff for a season.

As a response to the call to seek the Lord for a 5-year plan for MPCC, we will be dedicating the next half of the year to prayer. We can of course start to pray now and during the coming Camp, more will be shared.

We are in the process of reviewing and exploring how our AV system can be upgraded. Some new type of speakers are being demo-ed this morning. Do bear with the audio and balancing changes and if you hear some bass booms, it is due to that and not the visitation of the Holy Ghost on Pentecost Sunday!


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