Many heartfelt reflections and prayers were recorded in the two diaries during the period of prayer in the Room. Below are some excerpts:
Let my eyes see what You see
Let my thoughts be Your thoughts
Let my ears hear what You hear
And my mouth speak what You speak.
(Quote: 2 John 8,9)
Father, help us pray with a pure heart,
free from anger and quarrelling. Heat our
prayers and guide us. Amen. (reflecting on
1 Tim 2:8)
Continue to be Lord and Guide over MPCC. Stir our hearts to hear Your voice.
Show Your heart, purposes and plans for us, align our hearts to them. Cleanse MPCC from within, grant to us clean hands and pure hearts so that
we can glorify You.
There is so much Lord that You have for us. Lead us in your everlasting love
that we may not lose our way. We will look at your light and truth that leads
us to your holy hill.
Lord, may MPCC continue to delight ourselves in You. Our desire is to be a
light in Joo Chiat area. Help us to shine in You.
The Lord wants us to surrender our hearts to Him. One that is warm and
beating, not a heart that is dead and lifeless.
We pray for a 2nd, 3rd or 4th wind of your Holy Spirit, so that we may be totally
carried by it.
I just want to pray for myself and anyone that may be feeling distant or a
“lukewarm Christian.” God will not despise you or blame you, but is patiently
waiting for you to return. While the journey to return to your first love may
be painful and long, God will never stop waiting.
Lead my way that I may not lock back or turn elsewhere. That I may escape
from this darkness and be freed in the light.
My prayers for MPCC: “Forget what lies behind and straining forward to what
lies ahead.” (Phil 3:13)
Humble us Lord, grant us grace to see Who you are, that we will be humble
before You and turn from our stubborn hearts and ways. Amen.
Lord, use us MPCC in any way you wish,
like a fragrance of entrance for others
like a powerful wind or a gentle breeze
like a magnet that attract others to you
Help us to be all things to all men
That we may win them into your Kingdom.
Look out for the next Prayer Week on 18th-23rd November!