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Being with the Lord and His people

The Conference ROOM, Incubator is an amazing facility for community interaction

We held a leadership retreat at Changi Cove last year. Our staff and some lay leaders attended. When it ended, we clapped our hands for we were so enriched by the time we have spent together. We have missed gatherings like these for two years. We made a promise than that in 2022, we need to get the rest of our members together in this manner. That was when the idea of a MPCC Camp 2022 – or Retreat - was seeded.

We planned in faith at the start of the year that restrictions will be lifted. According to the rules then, we will need two speakers. Under normal circumstances, Joseph Chean or Dr Tan will need a very early invite of a few years in advance. It would have been too much to imagine a Camp in West Malaysia and that was when we landed on the Changi Cove option. Having had many retreats and conferences there, I will say that Changi Cove is an amazing place for a Christian event and I will gladly choose that place then most hotels in Singapore.

Even worship will be done differently. It will be both communal and personal. We will also be blessed by the ministry of Sister Quek Li Huan from SJSM who will lead us for the first day.

More than just great programmes, an event like this afford a unique opportunity for us to strengthen our friendships. Some newer members and regulars have been worshipping with us. Both Jennifer and me are also fairly new to the MPCC community. This is a great time to strengthen our community ties.

There event is also suited for families. There is indeed something for everyone, from seniors to the youngest. With the wonderfully organised programmes, I always say that Church Camps are spiritual forms of the usually expensive and exclusive Club Med experiences!

There will also be room for personal time and renewal. I am sure that the messages will be deeply challenging. It can also be a time to catch up on the need to spend time with the Lord. The environment at Changi Cove, both within and without, is rich in nature. It will be a place where healing and renewal can take place.

A Camp or Retreat like this is truly unique and will be enriching personally and communally. Please join us. Together, let us participate and make this a wonderful milestone event as we come out of a pandemic and regather again.


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