Vicar Writes: Changes to our Services
I think some words of reflection is in order after a Christmas Service which many of you have given good feedback on. The only thing that was unusual was how we sat. It reminded us that we are coming together as a church family. Worship is not just a private affair, though that part is important. We also come together as His body[1] and ready to contribute[2] to encourage and build one another up.
“Will we be meeting like this for our regular Services?”, some hopeful members asked. I replied that if we do so, we may well be the only church in Singapore seating for worship in this manner. That will make us rather cultish!
Truth be told, in the early centuries and even in some churches today, the theatre seating arrangement (i.e. stage and audience) is not the norm. There are some good things to be said about a more communal seating arrangement. We won’t hurry into a decision but the event has left us with much food for thought.
On another matter, by now most of you will know that we are discontinuing the Saturday Service. This Service started during the Covid period, necessitated by MCCY’s safety restrictions. Having ran it it for two years now, we have reached a point with a new year that it is time for change. There are a few reasons for this, some being more major than other. It has been a stretch for the worship teams as it meant a rehearsal and two Services every weekend. We do not have sufficient resources to plan for two different teams every weekend. There is also a need for sufficient capacity and community experience in a Service.
Apart from these challenges, there are also potential and possibilities. As we consolidate, we can begin to plan for a new late morning Service (at 1115 or 1130 am). It will be more natural for most churches to maximise their Sunday morning time and space usage before opening another front on Saturday. This will be what we hope to work towards with this late morning Service. This will also involve our brothers and sisters from our Filipino Service which will give this new English Service a more ”international” and “newgen” feel.
We will love to hear your feedback, Please let us know via conversations. You can also give your feedback via this google feedback form here -
[1] And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another…Hebrews 10:24,25
[2] What then, brothers? When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up. – 1 Corinthians 14:26