Vicar Writes – About Numers and Figures

I want to talk about figures or numbers today.
The chart above is helpful as we track pre and post-Covid Service attendance. About 90% of our regulars have returned to onsite worship. We do have some new ones joining us during this period and so those who are staying away may be more than what these stats are showing.
As we now have regular live-streaming of our Sunday Service, this can be a blessing for those who can't make it to onsite due to Covid, illnesses, work travels or being home-bound. We know that online service is always a poor substitute to being physically present and of course, we do emphasise on the importance of worship discipline. Our pastors are keeping in touch with those who are not worshipping with us regularly.

The second chart on the right shows us the monthly record of our givings (i.e tithing, offerings). We roughly need about 60+k monthly which goes into ministry and admin expenses, staff salaries, external or mission givings. We also contribute about 10% of our income in support of our Diocese.
We are about breaking even for now. Let's pray that we will see an upward trend in the coming months.